
Weather and Students Cavorting

It's June already and we have turned on the heating again, I even got my winter jacked back out from our store room! At first sight you might think this is extraordinary, unprecedented and due to the global warming (shudder!).

But no, I found an article about a student researching the local weather where I live and in 1962 there had even been snow in July and August!

The last sentence of this article is quite notable: "Ich denke es ist erschreckend, dass sich die globale Erwärmung auch schon in einer kleinen Stadt wie Landsberg so bemerkbar macht." (I think it is terrifying that the global warming affects even small towns such as Landsberg).

What I find remarkable in this sentence are two things:
  1. after having made a point that extreme temparatures have always been there, the autor falls back to the global warming track (rem.: I do not doubt this, but the article went into a different direction before)
  2. when talking about "global", why should small towns be an exception? What kind of student wrote this anyway?

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