
Making Netflix on Android Work With Your DNS Proxy

Apparently the latest versions of Netflix for Android use hard-coded DNS servers, namely those of Google. Just blocking the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers does not fix this.

The easiest workaround is to use a router that supports iptables, and redirect requests to the Goodle DNS servers to your DNS proxy instead. Unfortunately my router does not support this.

For thos of you who have the same issue, there is another workaround: if you have a rooted Android device, you can use iptableson your mobile. Just create two rules that redirect those requests to your DNS proxy instead. In my case, as my router already is configured to use a DNS proxy, I redirected the requests to my router:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination

You can enter these statements using a Terminal Emulator. Unfortunately this means you will have to execute them every time you reboot your device.

If you have AFWall+ or DroidWall, you can instead enter the above lines as a custom script, so they get executed every time your firewall applies its own rules.

Typo3: Getting RealURL to Work on IIS7

Here are the high-level steps:
  • Enable the URL Rewrite extension that comes with IIS7
  • In the URL Rewrite configuration click "Import Rules" and choose the htaccess file that comes with Typo3 - there will be one error, locate it and just remove the offending line, then click "Apply"
  • Finally, to make sure RealURL "knows" the original request, you need to define a server variable:
    • under URL Rewrite define a server variable named "HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL" (without the quotes) - this is the variable RealURL uses internally
    • Then go back to the URL Rewrite rules and edit the last rule: ddd a Server Variable there, and set its value to "{REQUEST_URI}" (without the quotes)

Now RealURL should work like a charm.

http://www.typo3forum.net/forum/typo3-fragen-probleme/47634-iis-7-5-short-urls.html about importing htaccess rules
http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/setting-http-request-headers-and-iis-server-variables on configuring IIS URL Rewrite rules
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