
Goodbye and Farewell, TeamViewer!

I have (rather "had") been using TeamViewer for many years. It runs smoothly, does its job, has interesting new features such as VR assistance (I love the idea!), but it has been acting up lately.

The program now detects my activities as commercial and will interrupt any connection after one minute until I buy a license. Well, I only ever connect to two people, and they are family. What kind of intelligence sees regular connections to two people as "commercial"?

Maybe it was my fault: all of this started shortly after I had registered, while I had been running TeamViewer without registration without any problems for many years.

I went the official route and signed a PDF stating that I am not a commercial user. To no avail, no contact, no change in behavior.

Of course I could uninstall, delete all data and registry keys, change my MAC address, and re-install. It should work. But is it worth the hassle?

I decided, no. I am using the free version of AnyDesk now. The free version has some limitations that I can live with, and of course has fair-use restrictions as well. Fair enough. I hope that their intelligence is more apt in detecting commercial use than TeamViewer's. For now, it is working fine - it is not as slick as TeamViewer, but does what I need it to do.

So, farewell, TeamViewer, you have a great product, but your commercial-use-detection is beyond annoying and really needs fixing - as does the process to tell you that someone uses it for private purposes only.

Take care.

Update: About 6 weeks after having submitted the form stating my private use of TeamViewer, I was cleared. Better late than never? Well, it turns out that as a private users I will be kicked out of a session after 30 minutes, but I can reconnect right away. So in theory it is usable, but it still is somewhat of a pain. And I have moved on anyway, so it still is "farewell TeamViewer".


Handy-Ticket? Sorry, nein Danke! Dank LogPay.

Ich finde Handy Tickets einfach Klasse! Genau genommen liebe ich das Konzept, die Umsetzung ist allerdings ... nun ja, ich mochte sachlich bleiben.

Viele Verkehrsverbünde beauftragen für die Zahlungsabwicklung die Firma LogPay. Und mit dieser Firma habe ich ein großes Problem: ich kann meine Kontoverbindung dort nicht registrieren.

Inzwischen weiß ich auch warum: meine Kontoverbindung wurde gesperrt, weil jemand versucht hat, meine Kontonummer zu registrieren. So weit, so gut, danke für den Schutz!

Und jetzt? Jaaaaa ... so einfach ist das nicht: der/die Übeltäter/in müsste sich direkt bei LogPay melden, dann würde mein Konto wieder entsperrt.

Klar, ich rufe den/die mal kurz an.

Wer es war? Kann man mir aus Datenschutzgründen nicht sagen.

Und wie bekomme ich mein Konto jetzt entsperrt?

Offensichtlich gar nicht. Wow!

Leider hat LogPay bei den Verkehrsbetrieben ein Quasi-Monopol und ist fast nicht zu umgehen. Außer man nutzt Papier-Tickets. Mache ich jetzt wieder.

Danke an LogPay, dass Ihr mich in die Steinzeit zurück gebeamt habt!

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