
Distractions at Work - Imposed by Your Emplyer and Colleagues

OK, maybe not in your workplace, you may be lucky. But I have seen the following examples way too often.


Email is an asynchronous communication medium. This is great, because the sender values your time and asks you to read and act on it when you have time. Well, not all senders: some send you an email and five minutes later you get a phone call asking whether you got their email. A good response may be: "I don't know. I am working on [...] and will process my emails later."

For me email is a great medium for documented communications, meeting notes, memos, etc, which you can read at you own schedule. It also is great if you work across time zones. If you have something urgent, pick up the phone and talk.


Some employers feel that their employees need to be available and respond immediately to certain requests. I am not quite sure what is wrong with using the phone? Maybe because you cannot see whether they are working? But it only means they are online, not necessarily working or available. Do you want them to spend time updating their status whenever they start a task?

Mobile Phones

Depending on the company policy, a mobile phone can be a kind of leash. Some require you to answer it not only when you are not at work, but also during your vacation. If you are in a situation like this, your only escape is to pick a home and holiday location without network coverage.

Everything at once

On one occasion - and never again later on, I guess I had made myself very clear - I had this call on my mobile phone: "I sent you and email, and called you, but your phone was busy. So I contacted you in the messenger, but you did not respond, so I am calling your mobile.".

No, it was not a matter of live or death. I my phone is busy, chance are, I am too. And this may actually become a matter of live or death if it should happen again.

Message Boards

You may have different message boards on systems such as project platforms, training platforms, HR systems, and whatnot. They might send you an email that there is something to check out, but you need to go into these systems to read it.

Adding more channels to your communication does not help the information overflow.


Meeting requests are a great way to coordinate with each other, but ...

Working across time zones, I had to defend myself by blocking time

  • before 8am for my commute. Conference calls on the train are a no-go in my view, not for some others on my train though
  • in the morning to catch up with emails and administrative tasks
  • for lunch
  • just before I wanted to leave, so I could finish open tasks and leave a clean desk
  • after 9pm for my (private) evening

Tasks and Politeness

In MS Outlook you can not only book another person's calendar, but also assign tasks. Of course, these are just requests, and you and accept or decline.

There is not enough time to be polite to everyone, especially if they are not considerate of your time in the first place.

So I would decline meeting requests that collide with an already scheduled appointment without any explanation. If you urgently need me to free up time on my calendar for you, let's talk beforehand.

Any other meeting requests will usually be accepted, or I would politely state the reason for declining.

I would generally decline task requests: I plan my own tasks. If you need me, let's talk about it and I will factor it in.

Meetings and Conference Calls

Be on Time

Be on time, or I may be gone. Otherwise I will be late for my next meeting, and that would not be considerate of other people's time, would it?

No Overrun

We have a hard stop. If anything else needs to be discussed, schedule another meeting. Otherwise I will be late for my next ... well, you already know.

Behave Yourselves

Especially in video conferences you have people catching up with their email, taking phone calls, etc. If you are in a meeting, you are in a meeting. Or if I am the organizer, you may be kicked.

The worst I have seen so far was two people apparently chatting (messengers again) with each other during the video conference. One would type, the other would laugh, and vice-versa. I can see that, you are in a video conference - or rather, you were.

Defending against Distractions

A big first step is to put your email client in offline mode. Then, when you switch tasks, you can catch up. The distracting "you have a new email" messages are gone. I know I was never able to resist opening new messages, so this was kind of a self-disciplinary action.

Shut down your messenger. If you can't, put it on "busy", or even better, enable an automatic reply to tell people to contact you via email of phone.

Divert your desk phone to your mobile. This way, busy is busy.

Now you are down to only two communication channels: email (asynchronous) and a single phone line (synchronous)

Reducing the number of channels reduces your stress level and you will gain more control over your day. Being able to work on a task without interruptions yields better results, fast, and in a relatively relaxed way.

Remove Microsoft's Latest Distraction: News and Interests

I prefer to work on my computer and not be distracted by its operating system.

Hence, Microsoft News and Interests in the taskbar is more than a nuisance to me.

Here is how to disable it:

  • start gpedit
  • go to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - News and interests 
  • open the entry Enable news and interests
  • disable it
  • you need to log off or restart your computer for the setting to take effect
  • go back to work without distractions


Where do you want to install Windows? And no disk!

If you are installing Windows and you get to the screen where it asks "Where do you want to install Windows?", and the list of partitions is empty, chances are your installation media is missing a driver.

The screen says: "We couldn't find any drives". When you follow their advice and click "Load driver", there are no drivers to be found.

This happened to me when installing Windows 10 Pro on a Dell laptop, I have seen similar reports regarding HP machines. While I could not find any support on the Dell site, I found this on the HP support site: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c06983517

If you are installing from a CD ROM, you are pretty much stuck now. Switch to installing from a USB drive. Then you can add the necessary drivers and load them as described in the HP article.

So basically, you download the driver for your hard disk from the manufacturer's support site, you do not execute but open the file using Winzip or 7-Zip and extract the files and folders to you USB drive. I used a sub folder named "drivers" to keep the structure clean.

Then, when you see the empty list during your installation process, just click "Load driver", navigate to the folder containing the driver, and you will see your drive and partitions.

It is simple if you know what to do. But in my research process I came across an abundance of posts that were completely unhelpful, ranging from checking the cables and power supply for the disk to changing BIOS settings. All of these posts may be relevant under certain circumstances, but please do try this simple and way less invasive procedure first 😊

Deutschland einig Fahrradland

Gestern wurde verkündet, dass der Ausbau und Neubau der Fahrrwdwege in Deutschland losgehen soll.

Endlich! Hurra!!!

Und das macht dann der Bundesverkehrsminister, also "da Andi", also Andreas B. Scheuer.

Ach so, ja dann ... schade!

Vorgestellt hat Andi die Neuerung mit Fahrrad und Helm. Ob er auch gefahren ist? Der Dienstwagen muss jedenfalls gleich um die Ecke gestanden haben, denn kurze Zeit später hatte er einen weiteren Termin: hopp, Fahrrad in den Kofferraum (nicht belegt) und losdüsen zur Eröffnung eines neuen - nein kein Fahrradweg - Autobahnabschnitts.

Geh zurück nach Bayern, da gibt es Vereine, die Dich aufnehmen (CSU), und da darfst Du Deinen "kleinen" Doktortitel aus Prag auch führen. Jeder CSUler, der nicht in der Bundespolitik sitzt ("arbeitet" kann man ja nicht sagen) ist ein Gewinn. Und spart zudem noch eine Menge Geld. "Ja, aber nicht meines.", sagt der Andi dazu. Ach geh!

Trotzdem: schade wegen der Fahrradwege, die nicht gebaut werden.


Android Adopted Storage Kills My SD Card

I am not saying that all Android versions or build will do this. Mine certainly does, and it is not a problem with the SD card.

Here is what happened: About a year ago I had formatted my SD card as adopted storage, which is really convenient as it just extends the internal storage and you do not have to think about what goes where.

All worked fine (LineageOS) until I received yet another OS update. I am not sure whether I upgraded from 17 to 18 or whether it was just an update within version 18). Soon after installing this update, my SD card started failing and degrading. Within two days my phone stated that the SD card was corrupted.

The card would not format in the phone, also Debian and Windows failed to format it. The card was destroyed. Hardware failure, I thought.

I installed a new SD card, formatting it again as adopted storage. After I had recovered all my apps (thanks so much, Titanium Backup!) it took only a day before the new card failed in the same way. Another piece of garbage.

Of course, now a hardware failure was more than unlikely.

With the next SD card I went back to the good old ways of using it as external storage. I cannot move the apps the the SD card any more, but moving DCIM and backup folders for Titanium Backup and NAND to the SD card freed up enough storage for me to feel quite comfortable.

The new card is still alive. I will never go back to adopted storage, even though I certainly like the idea.

The whole process of restoring apps (twice) took me two days, despite having backups. The good thing is that I now have a completely new installation and further improved my backup strategy. You can always learn something :-)

P.S.: Thanks to LineageOS (unofficial build) I am still more than happy with my 2013 (!) Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I would not want to trade it for a newer phone.


Warum Söder kommen MUSS

Axel Zucken (MdB, CDU) spricht offen darüber, warum Markus Söder der Kanzlerkandidate der Union werden muss.

Unser Reporter Rainer Hohn konnte direkt im Anschluss an die Vorstellung der beiden Kandidaten Armin Laschet (CDU) und Markus Söder (Bayern) und der Aussprache in der Unions-Fraktion ein kurzes Gespräch mit Herrn Zucken führen.

Rainer Hohn (RH): Herr Zucken, wie haben Sie die Vorstellung der Bewerber erlebt?
Axel Zucken (AZ): Also, der Armin war für seine Verhältnisse eher forsch als lasch, aber in dieser Disziplin kann man dem Markus einfach nichts vormachen. Markus hat offensichtlich die Kreide, die er vor einigen Tagen geschluckt hatte, nun mit einem Weißbier heruntergespült und ist so unver ... äh ... offen, wie man ihn kennt und wofür man ihn schätzt.
Beide Bewerber haben viele Feh ... äh ... Stärken, da schenken die sich nichts.

RH: Dann wäre Ihnen ein dritter Bewerber ganz recht, Herr Zucken?
AZ: So kann man das nicht sagen - dann kommt wieder so ein Merz. Bei den beiden weiß man halt, was man hat. Und für mich, wie für die meisten meiner Kollegen ist es ganz klar, dass der Markus der bessere Mann für uns ist.

RH: Tatsächlich? Dreht sich sich bei Herrn Söder nicht alles um ihn selbst? Zumindest in der bayrischen Politik war er doch eher ein Fähnchen im Wind. Wie kann er ein guter Budeskanzler werden, da müsste er ja Interessen anderer Leute vertreten?
AZ: Ja, Fähnchen, also stattliche Unions-Flaggen, sind sie ja beide. Sie spielen wohl auf solche Geschichten an, wie die Zerstörung eines Naturschutzgebiets zum Wohle zweier Skigebiete, die Markus anfangs durchsetzungsstark vertreten hat. Er hat doch später eingesehen, dass er damit Stimmen verliert und ist jetzt ein überzegter Grüner.
Armin hat das zwar auch drauf, weiß es aber nicht für sich und damit unsere Partei zu nutzen. Er kann ja nicht einmal richtig bestechlich sein, da arbeitet er über seinen Sohn.

RH: Und da haben Sie aus Überzeugung Herrn Söders Lied angestimmt?
AZ: Ja nun, Überzeugung ist ein starkes Wort. Wer von beiden Kanzler wird, ist letztendlich egal, es macht kaum einen Unterschied. Wichtiger ist, wie zugkräftig der Kandidat für unseren gesamten Bundestagswahlkampf ist. Schließlich wollen meine Kollegen und ich ja auch in der nächsten Lxika ... Lechsi ... Legislaturperioede wieder in den Bundestag einziehen. Ich kann ja sonst nichts. Äh ... in der Politik bewegen.

RH: Herr Söder hat ja bisher - soweit bekannt ist - nicht versucht, sich an der Krise zu bereichern. Passt er denn damit überhaupt in die Union?
AZ: Ja so ist das ja auch nicht! Ich zum Beispiel konnte die Ehrenerklärung sogar ganz ohne gekrezte Finger unterschreiben. Ich kann guten Gewissens sagen, dass ich mich nicht an der Krise bereichert habe. Zumindest nicht an ser Corona-Krise. Ich sitze ja im Verteidigungsausschuss, das geht es um andere Krisen, die man nutzen kann ... äh ... bekämpfen muss.
Und wenn dem Markus da noch Erfahrung fehlen sollte, dann nehmen wir ihn unter unsere Fittiche. Wir sind ja alle Amigos.

RH: ...
AZ: So, jetzt muss ich aber los, es gibt immer noch ein paar Unbeugsame, die meinen, dass CSU-ler in der Bundespolitik nichts zu suchen haben. Nur wegen so ein paar kleinen Ausrutschern wie dem Andi. Und dem Horst - obwohl der Horst doch eigentlich gar nichts macht. Naja, und der Glyphosat-Schmidt. Und der Dobrindt. Und ... na, die meisten haben doch wirklich ganze Arbeit geleistet. Da kann man den Bock doch auch zum Gä ... den Markus zum Budenkasperl ... Bundeskanzler machen. Ich werde mal sehen, wen ich noch überzeugen kann.
Also, einen schönen Abend noch!


Android Accessibility - Not Quite so Accessible

I knew from my last phone running an older version of Android that you can enable a magnifying mode that is activated by a triple-tap on the screen.

Having reduced eyesight, I am quite fond of this feature and wanted to enable it on my new phone running Android 11.

I found the Accessibility settings without a problem. The next screen was different from what I was used to, but I did find Magnification entry.

And then I was lost:

There is a feature "Magnification shortcut" that I could enable. Then a message would explain how I can use the accessibility button to start magnification when I needed it. Only, I do not have such a button.

My phone has hardware buttons, duh!

The screen just says "Magnification shortcut, Accessibility button".

Nothing indicates, that you can change this shortcut. Well, you can. The label is clickable, then you can choose.

There was still one more obstacle: to get to the triple-tap option, you need to scroll down past the two visible options and click "advanced". Only then you can see the third option, triple-tap. Why hide one of only three options under "advanced"?

It took me half a day of trial-and-error to figure out the process, straining my eyes further. If I had not know that the option existed (and I sometimes was close to thinking they removed it), I would never have found this feature.

If you need a manual to operate your Android phone, Google did not meet its own guidelines. And if you need one, but there is no manual, because Google aims at ease-of-use, you are down a certain creek without a paddle.

Now I am finally happy. With the functionality. Not so much with how "accessible" this option is.

Accessibility my ***.

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