
Interference Between WiFi and Bluetooth on Lenovo Laptop

I recently noticed that the WiFi connection of my Lenovo Carbon X1 dropped frequently when I had it connected to a Bluetooth headset.

Both WiFi and Bluetooth use the 2.4GHz spectrum, so interference is theoretically possible. But it had been working fine before, so why the change?

You will find many troubleshooting guides on the web. Not one of the ones that I found suggested the most simple solution: update your drivers.

My guess is that a Windows 10 update had messed up the corresponding driver. Just using the Lenovo Update Tool to update the driver again resolved the issue in no time!

I hope this works for you as well. At least try it before following advice that tells you to fiddle with driver options that you probably (and the author quite likely) do not understand or - even worse - meddle with your registry.

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