
PHP Script to Merge Multiple XML Files

For the configuration of my IP phones (Grandstream) I needed a way to create a general configuration that yould apply to all phones, and more specific one pertaining to groups and individual phones.

The configuration is done via XML files, each phone pull a file with its MAC address in the name.

So I needed to merge the general XML with that of the group and that of the phone to create the final configuration for the phone.

Of course this could be done through a deployment management solution, but my approach gives me more flexibility, albeit also more manual work.

I was not able to find a program to merge XML files - I am sure there is one out there, but I couldn't find it, and I like this kind of work, so I created my own.

I usually would use C#, but my PBX does not run the .NET framework, but it does run PHP. I am sure that my preference of C# shows in my PHP code :-)

Anyway, if you are looking for a solution to merge XML files for whatever ends, you may copy the code below. No warranty, of course. The code and usage message are hopefully self-explaining.

It requires PHP 7.0 or later, because I like the type checking.


// convenience function
function findXpath(DOMDocument $dom, String $xpath) : DOMNodelist
$objXpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
return $objXpath->query($xpath);

* Alternative to getNodePath.
* This one uses the ID column to uniquely identify nodes,
* if option is set.
function getXpath(DOMNode $domNode) : String
case "DOMElement":
$idAttribute = $GLOBALS['idAttribute'];
if(strlen($idAttribute) > 0)
$attrValue = $domNode->getAttribute("$idAttribute");
$attr = ($attrValue !== "") ? "[@{$idAttribute}='{$attrValue}']" : "";
return "/" . $domNode->tagName . $attr;
return getXpath($domNode->parentNode) . "/" . $domNode->tagName . $attr;
case "DOMDocument":
return "";
case "DOMText":
return getXpath($domNode->parentNode) . "/text()";
echo "\nFAIL: getXPath class " . get_class($domNode) . " path " . $domNode->getNodePath() . "\n";

* Find a match for dom2Node, which belongs to dom2, in dom1
* A match is found, if the XPath of the node has exactly one
* match in both DOMs.
* Returns the matching node in dom1, or NULL if not match was found.
function findMatch(DOMDocument $dom1, DOMDocument $dom2, DOMNode $dom2Node) : ?DOMNode
// todo: Jedes Element auf dem Pfad muss auf ID überprüft werden
$attrValue = "";
$idAttribute = $GLOBALS['idAttribute'];
if(strlen($idAttribute) > 0 && $dom2Node instanceof DOMElement)
$attrValue = $dom2Node->getAttribute($idAttribute);
$attr = ($attrValue !== "") ? "[@{$idAttribute}='{$attrValue}']" : "";
//$xpath = $dom2Element->getNodePath() . $attr;
// own solution using ID attribute if applicable
$xpath = getXpath($dom2Node);
$m1 = findXpath($dom1, $xpath);
$m2 = findXpath($dom2, $xpath);

if(count($m1) === 1 && count($m2) === 1 &&
$m1[0] !== null && $m2[0] !== null)
return $m1[0];
return null;

* This is where the real work is done.
* Merges node addElement of DOM add into DOM dom.
* Manipulates dom.
function merge(DOMDocument $dom, DOMDocument $add, DOMNode $addElement = null) : void
// starting point is the document itself
if(null === $addElement)
$addElement = $add->documentElement;

$classname = get_class($addElement);
//echo "Class {$classname}\n";
switch ($classname)
case ("DOMDocument"):
merge($dom, $add, $addElement->documentElement);
case ("DOMElement"):
// do we have a delete attribute from options?
$delete = false;
$deleteAttribute = $GLOBALS['deleteAttribute'];
if(strlen($deleteAttribute) > 0 &&
$addElement->getAttribute($deleteAttribute) !== "")
$delete = true;
$xp = findMatch($dom, $add, $addElement);
if(null === $xp && !$delete)
// no match found, add whole element to dom
$node = findXpath($dom, getXpath($addElement->parentNode))[0];
$addElementClone = $dom->importNode($addElement, true);
else // match found
// merge all children
for($i=0; $i < $addElement->childNodes->length; $i++)
$cn = $addElement->childNodes->item($i);
merge($dom, $add, $cn);
// merge all attributes
if ($addElement->hasAttributes())
foreach ($addElement->attributes as $attr)
merge($dom, $add, $attr);
case ("DOMAttr"):
* copy attribute to matching node in dom.
* there must be a match, since the element has already been matched.
* setting the attribute will create a new one or overwrite
* an existing one.
$xp = findXpath($dom, getXpath($addElement->ownerElement))[0];
$xp->setAttribute($addElement->name, $addElement->value);
case ("DOMNodeList"):
// calculated field, hence we store the value for performane
$n = $addElement->length;
//echo "dom node list has {$n} items\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
//echo "dom node list item #{$i}\n";
merge($dom, $add, $addElement->item($i));
case ("DOMText"):
* empty text will not be merged.
* if no match is found, the whole node will be copied over,
* otherwise we create a new text node and replace the old one,
* because you cannot set the text in an existing text node.
$xp = findMatch($dom, $add, $addElement);
if(null === $xp)
if(trim($addElement->wholeText) !== "")
// add whole element to dom
$node = findXpath($dom, getXpath($addElement->parentNode))[0];
$addElementClone = $dom->importNode($addElement, true);
$txt = trim($addElement->wholeText);
$newTextNode = $dom->createTextNode($txt);
$xp->parentNode->replaceChild($newTextNode, $xp);
case ("DOMComment"):
// do not process comments
// should never happen
exit("Abort: instance of unknown class: $classname\n");
exit("Abort: no XML found\n");

* Main Program

if(count($argv) < 3)
echo "Usage: {$argv[0]} [-o] [inputXML3..N] \n
-o: overwrite existing output file
-id: specifies the id attribute to identify unique elements
-d: dpecified the attribute that indicated that an element should be deleted";

// evaluate options
// options will be stored in global variables
$overwrite = false;
$idAttribute = "";
$deleteAttribute = "";
while(substr($argv[1], 0, 1) === "-")
if($argv[1] === "-o")
$overwrite = true;

else if($argv[1] === "-id")
$idAttribute = $argv[2];

else if($argv[1] === "-d")
$deleteAttribute = $argv[2];

echo "Unknow option: {$argv[1]}\n";

// test input files
for ($i = 1; $i < count($argv) - 1; $i++)
echo "Input file '{$argv[$i]}' does not exist.\n";

// test outut file
if(!$overwrite && file_exists($argv[count($argv) - 1]))
echo "Output file '{$argv[count($argv) - 1]}' already exists.\n";

//echo "Delete attribute: {$deleteAttribute}\n";
//echo "ID attribute: {$idAttribute}\n";

// load 1st XML
echo "Loading file {$argv[1]} ... ";
$mainDom = new DomDocument();
// pretty formatting later
$mainDom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$mainDom->formatOutput = true;
echo "Done\n";

// load and merge all other files
for ($i = 2; $i < count($argv) - 1; $i++)
echo "Loading file {$argv[$i]} ... ";
$dom = new DomDocument();
// merge dom into mainDom
echo "Merging ... ";
merge($mainDom, $dom);
echo "Done\n";

echo "Processed all files\n";

// write to file
echo "Writing output file {$argv[count($argv) - 1]} ... ";
/* does not work here
$mainDom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$mainDom->formatOutput = true;
$mainDom->save($argv[count($argv) - 1]);
echo "Done\n";


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