
Trump Invents Battery Charger that Runs on Batteries

Trump Invents Battery Charger that Runs on Batteries

In an overnight stunt the president of the United States has come up with a revolutionary idea that will rebuild the American automobile industry.

WASHINGTON — The greatest and most intelligent president studied all about electronics and manufacturing processes last night. Then he came up with a new invention; he said “I cannot believe that it took the great president of the great Immerican, uh, American people, to tell specialists how to do this. But I have done this many time before, because I am so smart”.

At a meeting with scientists he explain that electric cars worked on batteries: “Not many people know that these cars run on electricity and need batteries. And all cars, as everyone knows, have built-in alternators, which produce electricity.”

The president stated that using the alternator, the electric car could charge batteries while driving: “Heck, if we leave out the carburetor, we could even fit in a second alternator and double the production of elec...trons, electronics, eh, electrocity.”

He said that he had already built a concept-car that can carry and charges 2.000 batteries at the same time: “It may have become a bit large, but anyone can handle an 18-wheeler, right? Right?”.

He concluded saying that his work not only helped the great American automobile industry to win over their competition, but the charged batteries may even be, very like, possibly, potentially be a cure for the foreign Chinese virus: “I feel like I have killed two birds ... giant birds ...  ostriches ... or something bigger like a, you know, Buckbeak ... like I have killed two of these ... or even more with one ... um ... oh look here, one gun.”

In case this genius concept should not work, he preemptively classified his idea as "... potentially could be sarcasm, who knows?"

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