
Microsoft oulook.de Domain and DMARC - not Working and no Solution/Contact

I have no problems sending emails from my ***@outlook.com address. However, when I send emails from my ***@outlook.de address, delivery fails more often than not.

The reason is that more and more email systems check for DMARC records before accepting an email message.

It is easy enough to figure out what is wrong

Using a DMARC record checket at https://www.dmarcanalyzer.com/dmarc/dmarc-record-check/ I got the following information:

outlook.com: v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=quarantine; pct=100; rua=mailto:d@rua.agari.com; ruf=mailto:d@ruf.agari.com; fo=1

outlook.de: Error : We have found a DMARC record in your main domain. Please make sure the DMARC record is placed on the `_dmarc` subdomain.

So I went on to check the TXT records of the domains using https://mxtoolbox.com/txtlookup.aspx:

_dmarc.outlook.com shows this:


_dmarc.outlook.de, however is empty:


Checking outlook.de, the top level domain, reveals:


 Obviously, the DMARC record has been misplaced. It would be an easy fix.

What is not so easy: letting Microsoft know about their glitch

I have been struggling with this for four years at least! And the problem becomes more and more relevant, as email providers rely on these records to avoid spam.

Only, I have found now way of letting Microsoft know. I have found no official contact information where I could address this. The few hopeful email addresses I tried did not yield any response.

So I am stuck with Microsoft's error, just because Microsoft does not have any channel for issues like this.

If you happen to read this and have any connections to MS, please pass the information on. Thank you.

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